حكم وامثال انجليزية

حكم وامثال انجليزية سنتفدمها لكم من خلال مقالنا بالإضافة إلى تقديم أمثال مشهورة بالإضافة إلى معرفة حكم وترجمتها وحكم قصيرة بالإنجليزي.
محتويات الموضوع
حكم وامثال انجليزية
- It is useless in my creed and belief to wail weeping, and do not sing aloud.
- – Do not forbid a creation and come like it. Shame on you if you do great.
- – If you do not fear the consequences of the nights and are not ashamed, then do whatever you want.
- – The sword is truer news than books in its sharpness, the boundary between seriousness and play.
- – If you blame your friend in all matters, you will not receive the one you blame.
- – According to the people of determination, determination comes, and it comes according to the honorable people.
- To make the difficulty easier or realize the dream, hopes were not saved except for Saber.
- Do not think that knowledge alone is useful unless it crowns its Lord with creation.
- I wish the youth would come back one day and tell him what the old man had done.
- Do not think that glory is a date that you will eat. You will not attain glory until you lick patience.
- Your true brother is the one who strives with you and the one who harms himself to benefit you.
- – If the opinion reaches the advice, seek the opinion of advice or firm advice.
- He who did not learn lessons from his days, blindness is more important to him than guidance.
- غير مجدٍ في ملّتي واعتقادي نوح باكٍ ولا ترنم شادٍ.
- لا تنه عن خلق وتأتي مثله عار عليك إذا فعلت عظيم.
- إذا لم تخش عاقبة الليالي ولم تستح فاصنع ما تشاء.
- السّيف أصدق أنباءً من الكتب في حدّه الحدّ بين الجدّ واللعب.
- إذا كنت في كل الأمور معاتباً صديقك لم تلق الذي تعاتبه”.
- على قدر أهل العزم تأتي العزائم وتأتي على قدر الكرام المكارم.
- لاستسهلن الصعب أو أدرك المني فما انقادت الآمال إلا لصابر.
- لا تحسب العلم ينفع وحده ما لم يتوّج ربه بخلاق.
- ألا ليت الشباب يعود يوماً فأخبره بما فعل المشيب.
- لا تحسبنّ المجد تمراً أنت آكله لن تبلغ المجد حتى تلعق الصبرا.
- إنّ أخاك الحق من يسعى معك ومن يضر نفسه لينفعك.
- إذا بلغ الرأي المشورة فاستعن برأي نصيح أو نصيحة حازم.
- من لم تفده عبراً أيّامه كان العمى أولى به من الهدى.
أمثال انجليزية مشهورة
- The mirror of love is blind
- I wish the youth would come back one day and tell him what the old man did
- He who drowns clings to a straw
- The house of the unjust is ruined
- Actions are stronger than words
- Plant every day you eat
- They mixed with their ropes
- lies rope is short
- The distance is emptiness
- Helpless ploy his tears
- The injustice of relatives is more severe than the sword
- The sleep of the oppressor is worship
- God waits but does not neglect
- I taught him archery, and when he got stronger, he shot me
- Baraqesh made herself mad
- Buy a horse from the rich house and a wife from the poor house
- The richest of the rich is he who is not miserly
- some people’s disasters are other’s benefits
- Winds blow counter to what ships desire
- Tomorrow we will see it soon
- The stranger is blind even if he can see
- Do not postpone today’s work to tomorrow
- It is found from the very reap
- I cried for a long time about him, but when I found someone else, I cried for him
- who asks for the glory stay up all night
- Cut the throats of greedy men
- He who asks for something finds it
- higher than the sky
- faster than the tip
- Be soft without weakness and strong without violence
- If one of the two opponents comes to you with his eyes gouged out, do not judge for him until his opponent comes to you, for perhaps his eyes have been gouged out.
- further than the chandelier
- If you know, then this is a calamity, and if you do not know, then the calamity is greater
- Quilt harness with soles
- More colorful than a peacock
- Scourge of evil laugh
حكم بالانجليزي وترجمتها
- I see from the blue of the dove
- The spears refuse to break when they come together, and when they separate they break as individuals
- war sparring
- faster than lightning
- Patience is the key to relief
- The mountain bore a mouse
- If the head of the house is playing the tambourine, then the people of the house are dancing
- Ignorance is the death of the living
- Patience is the key to relief
- Good brevity makes sense
- Keeping the secret is a secret
- The first anger is madness and the last is regret
- Thistles grow among the flowers
- Do not butt with pottery horns
- Every horse has a cape
- Work for this world as if you will live forever and work for the Hereafter as if you will die tomorrow
- If you do something, be as if you did nothing
- أبصر من زرقاء اليمامة
- تأبي الرماح إذا اجتمعن تكسرا وإذا افترقن تكسرت أفرادا
- الحرب سجال
- أسرع من البرق
- الصبر مفتاح الفرج
- تمخض الجبل فولد فأرا
- أذا كان رب البيت على الدف ناقر فشيمة أهل البيت الرقص
- الجهل موت الأحياء
- الصبر مفتاح الفرج
- خير الكلام ما قل ودل
- حفظ السر أمانة
- أول الغضب جنون وآخره ندم
- ينبت الشوك وسط الزهور
- لا تناطح بقرون من فخار
- لكل جواد كبوة
- اعمل لدنياك كأنك تعيش ابداً واعمل لآخرتك كأنك تموت غداً
- اذا فعلت شيئاً فكن كمن لم يفعل شيئاً
حكم بالانجليزي قصيرة
- No one can ride on your back unless you are bent.
- A great leader does not tell you what to do, but rather shows you how to do it.
- The most beautiful thing that can happen when the difference is the frank words hidden by the compliments.
- How many outspoken people minds did not understand, and how many hypocrites won hearts.
- Don’t receive attention when you hear about yourself, you know yourself well, and don’t underestimate your value, the secret behind failure is trying to please everyone.
- Do not be preoccupied with their talk about you, why did they say and why did they do? Make there trust in your Lord and then in yourself, for as long as they are human, they will have nothing but words.
- A life led by your mind is much better than a life led by people’s words.