براجراف عن التلوث

براجراف عن التلوث أسباب الملوثات كثيرة وهي تؤثر بالسلب على صحة الأمراض وتصيبه بالعديد من الأمراض لذلك سنتعرف من خلال مقالنا على مقال عن التلوث، وأسباب التلوث بالانجليزية، كل ذلك في هذه السطور التالية.

براجراف عن التلوث

لا أحد يستطيع أن ينكر حقيقة أن التلوث موضوع هام للكتابة عنه ، حيث يعتبر التلوث من أكبر المشاكل في هذا العصر. هناك العديد من أنواع التلوث التي لها تأثير ضار على حياة الكائنات الحية.
No one can deny the fact that Pollution is an important subject to write about, as Pollution is considered on of the biggest problems of this age. There are several types of pollution that have harmful effect on creature life.
يمكننا القول أن تلوث الهواء هو الأكثر خطورة. ينتج هذا النوع من الدخان وأدخنة العادم من المصانع والسيارات التي تؤدي إلى هواء غير صحي وغير نظيف.
We can say that air pollution is the most dangerous one. This type is caused by smoke and exhaust fumes from factories and cars which lead to unhealthy and not clean air.
أيضا لا يسمح تلوث الهواء للحرارة بمغادرة الغلاف الجوي والذي يسبب الاحترار التدريجي للأرض وهذا ما يسمى بظاهرة الاحتباس الحراري. كما نتعرض أيضاً للأمطار الحمضية الناتجة عن تلوث الهواء, والأمطار الحمضية هي الأمطار التي تحتوي على حمض ناتج عن التلوث الصناعي والدخان والغازات الضارة المختلطة مع الماء في السحب مما تجعل المطر ضارًا بالأشجار والبنايات.
Also air pollution stops heat leaving the atmosphere which causes gradual warming of the Earth and this is called global warming.we are exposed also to Acid rain because of Air pollution, Acid rain is rain that contains acid from industrial pollution, smoke and harmful gases mix with water in the clouds and make rain that is harmful to trees and building.
هناك نوع آخر من التلوث وهو تلوث المياه ، وذلك بسبب سكب النفايات الصناعية والمواد الكيميائية السامة في الأنهار والبحار ، وأيضا السفن الناقلة التي تسكب النفط في البحار والمحيطات ، كل هذا يجعل المياه غير صحية للشرب ، و له أيضا آثار ضارة على الأسماك التي يأكلها الناس.
The other type is water pollution, this is caused by pouring industrial waste and poisonous chemicals into rivers and seas, also ships tankers that spill oil in to seas and oceans,all of this makes water unhealthy to drink, and this also has harmful effects on fish that people eat.

اقرأ ايضا:  مقال عن التلوث

شاهد ايضا: براجراف عن الطعام الصحي

مقال عن التلوث

Often the reports that are written about pollution are similar to what is written about the clean and polluted environment, as this has become a global problem that can be due to what life has become in terms of a frequent and rapid approach as it was in the past largely confined to what collects on the surface of the earth Dead bodies, but today it has become present in all forms and in all places around the world, and one of the most dangerous forms that can be discussed is water pollution.
Water pollution is represented by the damages it inflicts that negatively affect its quality and in consequence negatively affect the safety of human life and the life of living organisms in general, and this type of pollution includes various water bodies such as rivers, lakes, oceans, and groundwater, and these pollutants may be in the form of Microorganisms such as bacteria, or throwing waste and dead animals, factory waste and chemicals in them, which change their nature and make them unfit for drinking and use. Rather, their use causes serious diseases to humans.

أسباب التلوث بالانجليزية

, water pollution and soil pollution. When writing an essay on pollution, it often revolves around those three main types of environmental pollution. Air pollutants can be evaluated into visible and invisible, such as smoke. It goes up from factory chimneys or while leaving car and vehicle exhaust.
These pollutants cause many dangers to the human body that affect their lives and infect them with many types of diseases that have become widespread in recent times, such as cancer of all kinds, asthma and respiratory diseases, eye infections and a feeling of heartburn, which affects both adults and children alike. Rapid and sudden death, and in an accident that occurred in India in (1984 AD) in a factory, a large proportion of toxic gases were released into the air, which resulted in the injury of hundreds of citizens with severe injuries, and the number of deaths at that time reached more than eight thousand people within a few days .
The sources of air pollution differ among four main sources, which are mobile sources and those that are (vehicles, trains, buses, airplanes, and so on), while fixed sources refer to what is produced by power stations, oil refineries, and various industrial facilities. Natural sources, for example, are pollutants that result from volcanoes, the air carrying dust and dust, exhaust from combustion of dust, and finally the scale sources resulting from agricultural areas, and the exhausts of wood burning heaters emitted in cities.

اقرأ ايضا:  تعريف همزة الوصل

شاهد ايضا: براجراف عن القراءة

خاتمة عن التلوث بالانجليزية

– Indoor air pollution: kills nearly one million children each year from acute respiratory infections, as well as mothers who are assigned cooking or stay near a stove after birth being most at risk of chronic respiratory disease as a result of pollution by using biomass fuel, which continues to spread widely.
– Malaria: kills an estimated one million children under five each year, mostly in Africa. Could be exacerbated as a result of malaria, poor water management and storage, inadequate housing, deforestation and biodiversity loss.

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