موضوع بالإنجليزي عن ياسر عرفات

موضوع بالإنجليزي عن ياسر عرفات سنقدمه لكم من خلال مقالنا بالإضافة إلى تقديم عبارات عن ياسر عرفات وأيضا انجازات الرئيس ياسر عرفات.

موضوع بالإنجليزي عن ياسر عرفات

موضوع بالإنجليزي عن ياسر عرفات
موضوع بالإنجليزي عن ياسر عرفات

November 11, 2004 in Clamart, France, his real name Mohamed Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini (محمد عبد الرؤوف القدوة الحسيني), also known as his war name Abu Ammar (ابو عمار), was a Palestinian politician, president of the Palestinian Authority from 1994 to his death in 2004.
Yasser Arafat was born officially in Cairo, Egypt, on August 24, 1929. However, the place and date of birth of Yasser Arafat are controversial. He himself declares that he was born in Jerusalem on August 4, 1929. The discovery of his birth certificate and other documents from the University of Cairo made it possible to conclude on the place and place of birth. Yasser Arafat’s biographer, Alan Hart, recognizes these documents and now places the birthplace in Cairo.

His official name is Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat Al Qudua Al Husseini. Said K. Aburish, his Palestinian biographer, states: 1 “Mohammed Abdel Rahman was his first name; Abdel Raouf, the name of his father; Arafat, his grandfather; Al Qudua is the name of his family; and Al Husseini is the name of the clan of which the Al Quduas are part ”

. The Al Husseini clan is also one of the most prestigious of Jerusalem and according to the biography Arafat the irreducible, a biography of Amnon Kapeliouk ed. Fayard, 2004, Arafat claims to be the nephew of the famous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini.

Born into a Palestinian family in Gaza from Egypt, he is the son of a merchant. He spent most of his childhood and adolescence in Cairo, with his six brothers and sisters. After the death of his mother when he was five, he spent four years in Jerusalem with his uncle, the great Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini. He maintains family ties in Egypt where he attends Farouk College.

In 1949, he entered the School of Engineers of King Fouad I University in Cairo, where he obtained a degree in civil engineering. He moved closer to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Palestinian Students Union, becoming its president from 1952 to 1956 as a student. In 1956 he served in the Egyptian army during the Suez Canal Crisis.

From 1959 to 1969, the beginning of Fatah
In 1959, as an engineer, Yasser Arafat moved to the emirate of Kuwait where many Palestinians were already working and living to create his own society. There he created the Palestine Liberation Movement (Harakat Tahrir Filastin), quickly renamed al Fatah (Conquest), an organization whose primary goal was the establishment of a Palestinian state from the Mediterranean to the Jordan.

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was created in 1964 by Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser with the aim of replacing the “Zionist entity” with an Egyptian protectorate that would allow Cairo to establish its hegemony in the Middle East. . necessary.

In December 1964, Arafat was part of the Fatah group sent by Syria to carry out its first military operation – the destruction of an Israeli water pump. This attack is a failure. After the Six Day War in 1967, Israel’s attention shifted away from Arab governments to various Palestinian organizations, including Fatah.

In 1967, the Six Day War changed the geopolitical situation in the Middle East and was Yasser Arafat’s real starting point. Egypt, Syria and Jordan are defeated by Israel, which conquers East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, under Jordanian and Egyptian rule in 1948, and also the Syrian Golan and Egyptian Sinai.

In 1968, Fatah was the target of a major Israeli army attack on the Jordanian village of Karameh, during which 150 Palestinian fighters and 29 Israeli soldiers were killed, mainly by the Jordanian armed forces. Despite the defeat on the ground, the battle is considered beneficial by Fatah because the Israelis finally withdrew.

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This new situation allows Fatah to emancipate itself totally from the supervision of the Mukhabarat, and to take control the same year of the PLO, Palestine Liberation Organization, representative body created by the Arab League four years ago.

From 1969 to 1973, head of the PLO
On February 3, 1969, during the Palestinian National Congress, he was appointed chairman of the PLO Executive Committee, replacing Ahmed Choukairy, who was first appointed by the Arab League. Yasser Arafat, bringing the PLO to the forefront, brings the nature of the Palestinians’ struggle to a more political level.

King Hussein of Jordan sends troops to restore order in refugee camps. In response, Yasser Arafat calls for the overthrow of the Hashemite monarchy, arguing that 75% of Jordan’s inhabitants are Palestinians. In retaliation, King Hussein ordered the killing of tens of thousands of Palestinians, whether they were fedayeen or civilians, many Palestinians would take refuge in Israeli territory and Yasser Arafat would take refuge in Lebanon. This dramatic episode is known as Black September.

Arafat became the commander-in-chief of the Palestinian revolutionary forces two years later, and in 1973, the leader of the PLO’s political department.

From 1973 to 1982, establishment in Lebanon
After a military rout in Jordan, Arafat settled in Lebanon. Lebanon’s weak central government allows the PLO to operate almost as an independent state. The PLO then began artillery attacks and military infiltrations against Israel. In Lebanon, Yasser Arafat controls the inflow of funds for the PLO. Cash is estimated at $ 2 billion in 1975, when the civil war begins in Lebanon.

In September 1972, the Black September group, probably under the command of Fatah, kidnaps eleven Israeli athletes during the Munich Olympics. In an attempt to free the hostages by the German police, a shootout broke out, and all the athletes were killed, most by the hostage-takers, sometimes with grenades, but also some by the snipers of the police. The international condemnation of the attack results in Arafat’s distancing from such operations.

The year 1974 constitutes, for Yasser Arafat, an important year of pacifist political progress. necessary. In June, the PLO adopts the principle of establishing a Palestinian state in the territories to be liberated, and in November its president implicitly recognizes the existence of Israel by calling, during the UN General Assembly, all parties to seek a peaceful solution for Palestine.

He is the first representative of a non-governmental organization to participate in a plenary session of the United Nations General Assembly. Arafat orders the cessation of violent acts targeting Israelis outside Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The Arab leaders declare that the PLO is the only legitimate representative of all Palestinians, and they admit the PLO as a full member of the Arab League in 1976.

In 1976 the massacre of Damour committed mainly by the militias Palestinian forces unleashed the Lebanese civil war. The part of the PLO Charter aimed at ending state Zionism is not abrogated.

Israel allies with Lebanese Christians. Two major attacks in Lebanon are organized. The first, Operation Litani (1978), allows the Israeli army and the southern Lebanese army (under Israeli control) to take control of a narrow strip of land, the security zone, up to its withdrawal in 1985.

At the end of the second operation, Operation Peace in Galilee (1982), Israel occupied southern Lebanon. It was during this second operation, during the siege of Beirut by the Israeli army, that Palestinian civilians (between 800 and 3500 according to sources) were massacred in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila by the Christian militia. The alleged involvement of Ariel Sharon, then Israel’s defense minister, in this operation is likely to have a negative impact on the peace talks when he becomes prime minister on 17 February 2001.

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During the Lebanese period, the Palestinian camps become more and more independent, the PLO allies with the Soviet KGB. necessary. From its base in Beirut, the PLO takes charge of social services for Palestinian refugees. But also, it arms and organizes groups of fedayins who launch incessant attacks against Israel and its interests. In 1980, the PLO treasury, entrusted to the sole signature of Yasser Arafat, is estimated at 5 billion dollars. more than the GNP of several States in the region

شاهد ايضا: موضوع بالانجليزي قصير وسهل عن الرياضة

موضوع عن ياسر عرفات مختصر

موضوع عن ياسر عرفات مختصر
موضوع عن ياسر عرفات مختصر

The symbolic leader Yasser Arafat was born in 1929 in the city of Cairo in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and his father worked in trade and his mother died since he was young, when he was 5 years old and raised in his uncle’s house. His father took him to Egypt and was raised by his older sister. He studied engineering in the Republic of Egypt, but in the 1948 war he left the university due to his great sadness over the defeat of the Palestinians and their displacement from their lands and the massacres carried out by the brutal Zionist occupation.
أهم المعلومات عن ياسر عرفات
The symbolic leader Yasser Arafat was born in 1929 in the city of Cairo in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and his father worked in trade and his mother died since he was young, when he was 5 years old and raised in his uncle’s house. His father took him to Egypt and was raised by his older sister. He studied engineering in the Republic of Egypt, but in the 1948 war he left the university due to his great sadness over the defeat of the Palestinians and their displacement from their lands and the massacres carried out by the brutal Zionist occupation.
تفاصيل وفاة ياسر عرفات
The symbolic leader and martyr Yasser Arafat was subjected to several attempts to assassinate him, but he was prevented from leaving safely, but in 2004 AD he was exposed to a cerebral hemorrhage resulting from his poisoning. And the Arab world spoke to him because he was an example of the commanding leader and did not betray the covenant and defended the liberation of the State of Palestine with all his might, and until today no leader and symbol of the Palestinian cause has come after him.

عبارات عن ياسر عرفات بالانجليزي

عبارات عن ياسر عرفات بالانجليزي
عبارات عن ياسر عرفات بالانجليزي

The Palestinian people, who are facing this daily Israeli aggression against their Islamic and Christian holy sites, and against their cities, villages, camps, infrastructure, economy, schools and hospitals, are steadfast and steadfast until the national goals are achieved and the independent Palestinian state is established with its capital, Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

The issue is not the issue of “Abu Ammar” but rather the issue of the life of the homeland, its independence, the dignity of this people, and the establishment of the Palestinian state with its capital, Al-Quds Al-Sharif. The life of the child martyr Faris Odeh, we are all a sacrifice for the dear homeland, Palestine.

Is there anyone in Palestine who does not wish for martyrdom, we are all projects of martyrdom, for the Israeli bombing continues from planes and artillery.

And rockets, and daily martyrs fall, every day we hear about a martyr.

Sharon wants to kill me? ? My gun is ready
There is no doubt that the Israeli government’s decision was without any logic or reason. Sharon himself admitted that he tried to kill me 17 times in Beirut, but here I am, sitting with the gun by my side, when was I not ready? ? You don’t know me? ?

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This people is the people of the mighty, the people of the martyr, the Knight of Odeh, the people of the mighty do not bow down except to God.
This revolution of yours is here to stay, and it will triumph over time or short.

شاهد ايضا: موضوع بالانجليزي عن كورونا

انجازات ياسر عرفات بالانجليزي

انجازات ياسر عرفات بالانجليزي
انجازات ياسر عرفات بالانجليزي

On October 30, 1991, following the Persian Gulf War, the Madrid Conference—a peace conference including Arab countries, Palestinians, and Israel—opened under the joint presidency of the United States and the Soviet Union. There the Palestinians were represented not through the PLO—which the Israeli government refused to deal with—but through a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation led by Palestinians from the occupied territories.

Although the Madrid talks themselves failed to achieve a substantive agreement, they were valuable in paving the way for additional negotiations.

Among these was a secret channel of negotiations in Oslo, held beginning in January 1993 between PLO and Israeli officials, which produced an understanding known as the Oslo Accords. In September 1993 Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin exchanged letters in which Arafat, as head of the PLO, formally recognized “the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security” while Rabin recognized the PLO as the “representative of the Palestinian people” and made clear Israel’s intention to begin negotiations with the organization.

On September 13, 1993, Arafat, Rabin, and U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton signed the Declaration of Principles on Palestinian Self-Rule in Washington, D.C. The Israeli-PLO accord, also known as Oslo I, envisioned the gradual implementation of Palestinian self-government in the West Bank and Gaza Strip for a transitional period not exceeding five years and leading to a permanent settlement based on UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338.

The following year Arafat returned to the Gaza Strip and began implementing Palestinian self-rule.
The provisions of the Declaration of Principles were enacted on May 4, 1995, by a pact signed by Arafat and Rabin in Cairo.

Several months
later, in September 1995, Rabin, Arafat, and Israeli foreign minister Shimon Peres—all newly named winners of the Nobel Peace Prize—signed the Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip (often called Oslo II). The agreement established a schedule for Israeli withdrawals from the Palestinian population centres (to be implemented in several stages) and created a complex system of zones that were divided between areas fully controlled by the Palestinians, those under Palestinian civil authority but Israeli military control, and those exclusively under Israeli control.

It also set elections for a president and council of the Palestinian Authority, which would govern the Palestinian population in the occupied territories, and on January 20, 1996, Arafat was elected president of the PA. With a turnout of close to 80 percent, Arafat won 88 percent of the vote.

Relations with Rabin had remained respectful, even if they were sometimes difficult—especially on the sensitive subject of Israel’s ongoing settlement activity. But with Rabin’s assassination by a Jewish extremist in November 1995 and the election in May 1996 of Benjamin Netanyahu—leader of the Likud, a right-wing political party, and an opponent of the Oslo Accords—as prime minister, relations grew strained.

Negotiations became deadlocked, even after an intervention by Clinton, who arranged a summit meeting with the two leaders at the Wye Plantation in eastern Maryland in 1998. Negotiations were revived after the election of Israel Labour Party leader Ehud Barak as prime minister in 1999, but in a very tense context.

The unabated continuation of settlement activity—some 100,000 more settlers arrived in the West Bank between 1993 and 2000 (without taking Jerusalem into account)—created great discontent among the Palestinians and strengthened the Ḥamās opposition to the Oslo Accords.

For his part, Arafat proved unable to create the structures of an independent state (for reasons linked with his own shortcomings and with the fact that most of the West Bank and Gaza Strip were still occupied).

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