موضوع عن ياسر عرفات بالانجليزي

موضوع عن ياسر عرفات بالانجليزي إذا كنت ترغب التعرف على تاريخ ياسر عرفات من خلال مقالنا سنقدم لك موضوع عن ياسر عرفات وبه العديد من المعلومات عنه.

موضوع عن ياسر عرفات بالانجليزي

موضوع عن ياسر عرفات بالانجليزي
موضوع عن ياسر عرفات بالانجليزي

Yasser Arafat was chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization from 1969 until his death in 2004, a tumultuous period in which clashes with neighboring Israel were prevalent.

  • Synopsis
    Born in Cairo in 1929, Yasser Arafat was named chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization 40 years later. From this post, he was at the forefront of years of violence, border disputes and the Palestinian liberation movement, all centering on neighboring Israel. Arafat signed a self-governing pact with Israel in 1991, at the Madrid Conference, and together with Israeli leaders made several attempts at lasting peace soon after, notably through the Oslo Accords (1993) and the Camp David Summit of 2000. Stemming from the Oslo Accords, Arafat and Israel’s Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres shared the Nobel Peace Prize, but the terms were never implemented. Arafat ceded his PLO chairman post in 2003, and died in Paris in 2004. In November 2013, Swiss researchers released a report containing evidence suggesting that his death was the result of poisoning.
  • Early Years
    Born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1929, Yasser Arafat was sent to live with his mother’s brother in Jerusalem when his mother died in 1933. After spending four years in Jerusalem, Arafat returned to Cairo to be with his father, with whom Arafat never had close ties. (Arafat did not attend his father’s 1952 funeral.)
    In Cairo, while still a teenager, Arafat began smuggling weapons to Palestine to be used against the Jews and British, the latter of which had an administrative role in the Palestinian lands. Playing a part that he would inhabit his entire life, Arafat left the University of Faud I (later Cairo University) to fight against the Jews during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, which resulted in the establishment of the state of Israel when the Jews prevailed.
  • Fatah
    In 1958, Arafat and some associates founded Al-Fatah, an underground network that advocated armed resistance against Israel. By the mid-1960s, the group had congealed enough that Arafat left Kuwait, becoming a full-time revolutionary and staging raids into Israel.
    The year 1964 was seminal for Arafat, marking the founding of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which brought together a number of groups working toward a free Palestinian state. Three years later, the Six-Day War erupted, with Israel once again pitted against the Arab states. Once again, Israel prevailed, and in the aftermath Arafat’s Fatah gained control of the PLO when he became the chairman of the PLO executive committee in 1969.

شاهد ايضا: موضوع انجليزي طويل وسهل

موضوع عن ياسر عرفات مختصر بالانجليزية

موضوع عن ياسر عرفات مختصر بالانجليزية
موضوع عن ياسر عرفات مختصر بالانجليزية

the chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from 1969 to 2004. In 1993 he became President of the Palestinian national authority (PNA)
Arafat studied civil engineering in Cairo university. He worked as engineer in Kuwait. Yasser Arafat died in Paris. He was buried in Ramallah on November 12th. Then, he was reburied on November 13th. He hoped to be buried in Jerusalem after the liberation of Jerusalem and the West Bank.


ياسر عرفات (24 اغسطس 1929 حتى 11 نوفمبر 2004 ) اول قائد للشعب الفلسطيني. كان رئيس منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية من 1969 حتى 2004. في عام 1993 ، اصبح رئيس السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية .
درس عرفات في الهندسة المدنية في جامعة القاهرة. و عمل مهندسا في الكويت. توفي ياسر عرفات في باريس. و دفن في رام الله في 12 نوفمبر، ثم اعيد دفنه في 13 نوفمبر. كان يأمل ان يدفن في القدس بعد تحرير الضفة الغربية و القدس.

شاهد ايضا: موضوع بالانجليزي قصير وسهل عن الرياضة

كلمة عن ياسر عرفات

كلمة عن ياسر عرفات
كلمة عن ياسر عرفات

Palestinian activist Yasser Arafat founded Fatah (“conquest”) in 1959, a national movement for the liberation of Palestine. He then organizes raids in Israeli territory. Fatah became part of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1968 and Arafat was elected a year later.

Encouraging at first the terrorist acts, it privileges from 1974 a political settlement of the conflict. He is then invited to the UN General Assembly where he pleads for a peaceful settlement, while pursuing military actions in Israel and the occupied territories.

After the intifada in 1987, Arafat committed with the PLO to continue in the diplomatic path. This will lead to the 1993 Oslo Accords, which seal mutual recognition between the PLO and the State of Israel. Arafat was elected president of the new Palestinian Authority in 1996.

However, peace was questioned during the second intifada in 2000 and because of the rise of Islamists in Hamas. From 2001, confined to Ramallah by Ariel Sharon, he gradually loses his place as leader in the negotiations on the resolution of the conflict.

قبر ياسر عرفات

قبر ياسر عرفات
قبر ياسر عرفات

Three days ago, a funeral ceremony was held for Yasser Arafat in Cairo, before he was buried in Ramallah

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